Now, this is business, folks. It's now nearly a year since the last conference of this nature, as this blog starts with material from then, and you've all been wondering what is going on... well, here's the news I have:

The 2008 Conference is being hosted by the
School of Scottish Studies/Celtic Studies Depts at the University of Edinburgh, so that's George Square in the Capital, nae far from the Festival Theatre, Nicholson St., in Newington. (
map link)
Here is the low-down from Wilson McLeod of SSS:
The dates we are proposing are 11-13 April, which is just before we return from the Easter break. The idea would be to begin on Friday around teatime and then break up in the middle of the day/early afternoon on Sunday, so as to allow participants from elsewhere to travel to and from Edinburgh.
So, if you want to come, email Wilson on: or There's soooo much to do in 'Auld Reekie' as it's also known, so we could see if they'd organise a ceilidh for us. There are plenty halls and things that could be used, so pass your suggestions on to the Edinburgh team. As far as I know, Wilson is going with these dates.
Hope to see everyone back again!