Enter a French merchant ship - it's wrecked - in one version off the coast of Hartlepool, County Durham, and in the other, off Boddam, a fishing village in Aberdeenshire -

And ...
This is a stone monkey in Hartlepool where folk chuck coins for charity.
The footballing fraternity seem very happy to have the soubriquet Monkey Hanger!
Boddam on the other hand is strangely quiet on the matter.
You may have already seen on the original Scottish Storyteller's blog her entry about the monkey. Her father was a joiner to trade, and he would often be the subject of jokes relating to monkey-hanging. Apparently once he came back to his work bench to find a noose in his piece-box!
The Boddam version of the song is short and sweet -
Eence a ship sailed round the coast
And a' the men in her was lost
Burrin' a monkey up a post
So the Boddamers hanged the monkey-O
All the Boddam folk was there
It minded you o' the Glesga Fair
Fin the Boddamers hanged the monkey-O
Cam oot expectin' tae get a feed
So they made it into potted heid
Fin the Boddamers hanged the monkey-O
The Hartlepool version has an acknowledged author, Geordie music hall singer, Ned Corvan who died at the youthful age of 35. It's an epic, and perhaps inspired by the Boddam song. He wrote it in 1862, just a few years before his death. It would seem to suggest that the song was in popular use before then.
The Greig-Duncan Folk Song Collection of the North East of Scotland has a version relating to the fishing village of Cullen, Banffshire, sung by a Miss H Rae, in 1907. It does not mention Boddamers! So, it would seem our monkey-hangers are greedy fisherfolk of the North East of Scotland, rather than NE England!
I'm away to do a paper on this at the 38th International Ballad Conference in Cardiff at the end of July, so we'll see what they make of it! And, strangely enough, the monkey legend is OLDER than Cardiff Uni itself, which celebrates its 125th anniversary this year. Maybe we could get Dr Who to take them back in the TARDIS and visit Hartlepool in the 1860s to hear Ned Corvan in the flesh! Plenty scope for Torchwood & Dr jokes coming up...

Boddam Lighthouse - obviously not any help to the poor French sailors, built in 1827, 12 years after the Napoleonic Wars ended.
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